Minggu, 22 Oktober 2023

Qatar Energy Business Offer

Greetings ,

I am Mr. Abdallah Mohammad, Contract Administrator with Qatar Energy.

It may please you to know that there is an investment opportunity of $ 120m USD for investment either in real estate or any profitable venture in your Country.

May I kindly request for your assistance and cooperation in helping to move this fund into a designated Foreign Bank Account as a contract payment from Qatar Energy .

Be assured that this is a very transparent and risk free transaction.

be back to me if you can handle this.

Best regards,
Abdallah Mohammad,
Contract Administrator
Qatar Energy.

Selasa, 06 September 2022

Hilsen, haster fra hospitalet

Hilsen læs venligst dette;

Hej; Jeg er fru Monica Roberto fra Polen, der bor i Côte d'Ivoire, jeg
er en enke, der lider af langvarig sygdom (kræft), der er penge, jeg
har arvet fra min afdøde kærlige mand, hr. Benson Roberto, summen af
​​(USD 15.500.000.000 mio. ) som han indsatte i banken før sin død,
jeg har brug for en ærlig og trofast person, der kan bruge disse
midler til menneskelig arbejde.

Jeg tog denne beslutning, fordi jeg ikke har noget barn, der vil arve
disse penge, og jeg ønsker ikke en situation, hvor disse penge bliver
brugt på en ugudelig måde. Det er derfor, jeg tager denne beslutning,
og min læge har bekræftet over for mig, at jeg har mindre end to uger
tilbage at leve, da jeg kendte min tilstand, besluttede jeg at donere
denne fond til en velgørenhedsorganisation eller enkeltperson, der vil
bruge disse penge til at hjælpe de fattige og de trængende i
overensstemmelse med mine instruktioner.

Jeg ønsker, at du bruger 70 % af disse midler til børnehjem, skole og
kirke, enker, formidling af ordet og andre humanitære værker. De
resterende 30 % bør være dine til din indsats som ny modtager.

Venligst, hvis du vil være i stand til at bruge disse midler til
menneskelig arbejde, så skriv venligst til mig. Så snart jeg har
modtaget dit svar, vil jeg give dig yderligere retningslinjer for,
hvordan du skal forholde dig til de nævnte midlers krav.

Forbliv velsignet.
Fru Monica Roberto.

Kamis, 28 Juli 2022

Kamis, 14 Juli 2022

Re: Request for Partnership

My name is Mrs. Reem E. Al-Hashimi, The Emirates Minister of State and Managing Director of the United Arab Emirates (Dubai) World Expo 2020/2021 Committee.
I have a great business proposal to discuss with you, if you are interested in foriegn investment/partnership please reply with your line of interest.
PLEASE REPLY ME ON THIS EMAIL: rrrhashimi2022@kakao.com
*Mrs. Reem*

Jumat, 12 November 2021

Business Proposal I need your assistance and cooperation

Greetings ,

I am Mr .Bashir Mohad , Head of operation at Finance and account department of Qatar Petroleum, I have an investment opportunity of $200m for investment in your country either in real estate and any profitable venture.
I need your assistance and cooperation to move this fund into account as a contract payment with QP for onward investment in your country.

Tell me if you can handle this,  if you can't ,don't let this to be known by any other person. its between you and me.

Best regards,

Mr .Bashir Mohad
Qatar Petroleum  |  Qatar Petroleum

Kamis, 10 Juni 2021

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Kamis, 11 Maret 2021

I have been trying to reach you!


Did you receive my previous message about your Inheritance and
you have been named the beneficiary to the Estate of a distant
relative who was my client? Please kindly get back to me so I can
explain the current situation .

Kind Regards